Tyndall is a leading European research centre in integrated ICT (Information and Communications Technology) materials, devices and systems. It is one of Ireland’s five National Labs and specialises in electronics and photonics. Tyndall works with industry and academia to transform research into products in its core market areas of electronics, communications, energy, health, agri-tech and the environment. With a network of over 200 industry partners and customers worldwide, they are focused on delivering human and economic impact from excellence in research. A research flagship of University College Cork, Tyndall is home to a research community of 600 people of 52 nationalities.
In ARTIC, Tyndall brings vast experience in electrical characterisation of electronic materials. The Tyndall team are internationally recognised experts in interfacial and oxide defects in electronic devices.
Tyndall’s role in ARTIC is to study the behaviour of active defects at different temperatures. Defect spectroscopy, combining experiments and simulations performed down to cryogenic temperature, will be used to explore defect properties and identify their nature and spatial location and provide feedback for the implementation of cryogenic materials into emerging devices and components.
More information on www.tyndall.ie